This Friday, October 25th, jazz pianist and East Village resident, Matthew Shipp joins Jason Wald on The East Village Radio Jazz Show at 2PM! Shipp has been a key figure in the international jazz scene since the late 1980s, known for his distinctive style that blends free jazz, post-bop, and modern classical influences. He began […]
Part Time Funk will be assembling a two hour Ka tribute show for Valleys & Peaks Thursday night 10pm-12 ET. The first hour is a mix from Ka’s catalog with interviews he did over the years, the last hour will showcase interviews and recordings from fans and people who met him. If you have something […]
Get your gel and weave fantasies in gear and make it extra hairy this Halloween as Ted Shumaker from Club Ted welcomes producer and founder David “Hump The Grinder” Humphries from Hair Wars on the show Tuesday October 22nd at 8am ET (reairing Halloween at Noon ET). Humphries established his “Hair Entertainment” enterprise nearly forty years […]
8pm ET, a special fill-in episode of Is This Afrobeats? with modrums: 100% Génériques Congolais with special guest Yohni Loboko (Yohni Djungu Sungu), a virtuosic guitarist, singer and multi-instrumentalist from the Democratic Republic of Congo, based in Brooklyn. This episode is all about the concept of “génériques” in Congolese popular music: originally intended as an introduction for […]