The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour That Feels Like Two Hours (Re-Air)

SHOW: The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour That Feels Like Two Hours (Re-Air)

DJ: Gerard Cosloy

“The Gerard Cosloy Radio Hour That Feels Like Two Hours” is entering its 5th year of weekly transmission, however, the program’s host (conveniently named “Gerard Cosloy”, and don’t think it wasn’t hard to find someone who spelled it like that ) has been in the show business trenches since the early 1980’s via pursuits as varied as sports blogging, busking, ventriloquism and most impressively, getting blocked on social media by Frank Stallone and Matthew Modine. A veteran of such broadcast outlets including but not limited to WFMU, WMUA and WZBC (he’s been thrown off others, too, but we don’t have all day) Cosloy brings nearly a half century (ok, 40 years) of underground music knowledge to the microphone each Friday — before suffering memory lapses so abject, every show feels like the first time. Lovers of variety, fasten your seat-belts (especially if you are a passenger in a moving vehicle), as Cosloy promises you’ll hear “both kinds of music” on the program (“death and metal”).
